Amanda Mercer Amanda Mercer

Perimenopause 101

Perimenopause 101- a quick overview of what perimenopause is, the 4 stages of female reproductive health, health risks associated with perimenopause

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Amanda Mercer Amanda Mercer

Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

If you are unsure if you are going through perimenopause, this blog is for you.

I break down the lesser known signs and symptoms of perimenopause that are often overlooked.

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Amanda Mercer Amanda Mercer

Creatine Supplement

Wondering if creatine is something that could benefit you?

It isn’t just for the gym goers

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Amanda Mercer Amanda Mercer

Why I became a Nutritionist

In this blog post I dive a little deeper into my why and deciding to study part time while working full time and have a career change and become a Nutritionist

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