Why I became a Nutritionist

12 years ago I never ate a vegetable, did movement of any kind and didn’t really look after my body. I was lucky that I didn’t have any illnesses but my lifestyle was far from ideal and I had developed quite a few unhealthy habits.

I unintentionally started on a health journey and I am so glad that I started when I did- it is never to late to make changes in your life.

If I had half the knowledge I have now and was more educated around food, calories and other lifestyle factors that play a huge role in our overall health, I would have accelerated my success in becoming a healthier version of myself much quicker.

I went from never doing any form of exercise to running 10km, half marathons, lifting weights, starting CrossFit and entering a few CrossFit competitions.

If you had said to me 8 years ago this would be my life- I would never have believed you.

Anything is possible

There are so many misconceptions around nutrition, what diet is best, how many meals you are supposed to eat everyday, when to eat. We often get fixated on the things that don’t really matter which stifles us from making any changes or even starting.

I am a strong believer that when you have the right knowledge and understanding you make better decisions and move forward in the direction you want to go in. I have a passion for making complicated simple and cutting through the BS to help you reach your goals and become the best version of yourself.

Before becoming a Nutritionist I also got caught up in the fad diets and quick fixes which were never going to last. I was in a constant cycle and never able to see any substantial changes after several of “dieting” months. I was constantly trying to force myself to follow a diet that didn’t fit in with my lifestyle or my values.

My goal is help you find a set of new habits that sets you up to achieve your goals.


6 FREE tips to improve your health