Helping you to eat yourself healthy

The foundation to a great life is good health

Do you want to live a life were you:

  • Are free from diet culture

  • Are able to wear whatever you want

  • Free your mind from obsessing over food

  • Feel confident to get into family photos

  • Feel excited about eating out

  • Have more energy to do things you enjoy

You have come to the right place, welcome to Amanda Mercer Nutrition

I specialise in female health:

  • Hormone health - period health, PMS, insulin resistance, PCOS.

  • Perimenopause - symptom relief, stress management, weight gain.

  • Relationship with food & body - restrictive eating, meal skipping, snacking, mindset.

  • Sports performance - half marathons, CrossFit, building muscle.

What I loved most was Amanda's genuine care and empathy.

She provided practical tips and techniques that can be easily implemented in daily life ” - Tina

What makes me different?

I don't do generic meal plans or any type of meal plans.

Yes they can get you to lose weight in 8 weeks (as do other ways), but how many of you then know what to do after the 8 weeks? Or how to maintain your progress long term?

Unfortunately very few

A key component of how I coach, is to educate you along the way. I want you to achieve long term, sustainable change and set you up, so you know what to do moving forward without me! 

I don’t only focus on the weight loss you want- yes that is important, but do you know what is even more important?

  • Understanding your hormones and your body

  • Having confidence to step into the gym, a dance class or finally start yoga

  • Removing food guilt and participating in family events

  • Having high-self worth that isn’t based on a number

  • Fueling your body to achieve that PB you are aiming for (I have completed half marathons, strength training, competed in CrossFit competitions. I know what it takes and feels like to take on a new challenge).

No matter your goal or current struggle, one thing I have learnt over the years, is that you need to look at all facets of your life, not just your diet.

I will work with you on:

  • Stress management

  • Digestive and gut health

  • Sleep

  • Menstrual cycle (If relevant)

  • Diet

This is the first step towards a new you

Coaching options

Amanda Mercer Nutrition, female nutritionist, perimenopause nutritionist upper hutt wellington

There are several different ways you can work with me as your Nutritionist.

All coaching option’s include:

  • Initial 60-90 min consultation call

  • Written Personalised plan

  • Goal planning

  • Personalised supplementation

Light touch coaching

This package is for those who need nutritional expertise and guidance, but require less accountability. You will get weekly coaching from me via your online check-in form.

Fortnightly 1:1 coaching

This package is for those who need nutritional expertise and guidance and also require that regular accountability and on-going support to achieve their goal. 

To give you that extra support, this package will give you more access to me.

Each fortnight I will call you for a 30-minute coaching session to go through your weekly check-in forms and it’s an opportunity to dive deeper into certain topics.

One-off consultation

This option is for those that already know what to do, but there is a certain area or event they are training for and need some expert advice.

This could look at advice on how to fuel your training, prep for an up-coming sports event, help with gut issues.

This is your opportunity to ask me anything nutrition or lifestyle related and get evidence-based guidance around it.  

What is next?

If you want to learn more about my coaching options, you can send me an email to:

Or you can book in now for a FREE 15 minute, no obligation call.

Click on the link below to book in your session

“Amanda was supportive without being overwhelming. Her resources were great and our check-ins were just the right frequency to support me towards my goals” - Julie