Want to avoid getting sick this winter?

In this blog I break down my top 6 tips to avoid getting sick this winter 😷

In the southern hemisphere we are in autumn and the last few days the temperature has definitely dropped.

People are already starting to get sick and no one wants to be sick!!

It is a good reminder that there are so many things you can do from a nutritional perspective to help support your immune health to keep yourself strong and healthy.

  1. Vitamin D

Research indicates that Vitamin D can help support the immune system.

It is known as the "Sunshine " vitamin as we get most of our Vitamin D from the sun.

That is why during winter it can be a good supplement to take so we get enough.

It is not found in sufficiently high quantities in most foods, but there are higher amounts in oily fish such as sardines, in foods fortified with vitamin D.

Vitamin D known as the sunshine vitamin is needed during winter

2. Zinc

Some studies have shown that the mineral zinc appears to help support the body’s immune systems.

Foods rich in Zinc include:

  • Oysters (including from a can),

  • shellfish and fish,

  • popcorn,

  • seeds (in particular pumpkin seeds),

  • walnuts,

  • almonds

3. Gut health

Your gut contains 70-80% of your immune cells.

Looking after your gut health and having a wide variety of gut bacteria can play a key role in your immunity to fight off viruses and bacteria infection.

Make sure and eat the rainbow of foods including:

  • nuts & seeds

  • legumes, pulses, and whole grains

  • rocket

  • garlic

  • onion

  • asparagus

4. Exercise

Some research has shown that regular bouts of short-lasting (up to 45 minutes) moderate intensity exercise is beneficial for our immunity and helps keep you healthy.

Be creative with exercise- any movement helps and do something that you enjoy.

Be creative with exercise- any movement helps and do something that you enjoy.

5. Sleep

Sleep is an important time for our bodies to rest and rejuvenate.

Studies indicate that sleep plays a crucial role in the robustness of our immune system.

Make sure you are getting good quality sleep each night and having consistent sleep and wake times...yes even on the weekends.

6. Vitamin C

Research suggests eating plenty of food rich in vitamin C does seem to help support your immunity.

During winter, make sure to increase vitamin C rich foods:

  • Cabbage

  • broccoli

  • green leafy vegetables

  • red peppers (capsicums)

  • brussels sprouts

  • oranges

There is so much you can do to support your health and well being through diet and lifestyle.

If you want to improve your health, focus on 1-2 of these areas, be consistent and watch the changes.


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