Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause
Are you unsure if you are in the throws of perimenopause?
“Peri” simply means around and Perimenopause is around menopause. When reference is made to the sign and symptoms of menopause and perimenopause, they are essentially the same thing.
Menopause is often been referred to as the “the Change” and for decades has been seen as a negative and taboo subject, that many women feel unable to openly discuss.
It is important to note that menopause is a long-term hormone deficiency.
"How do I know if I'm going through the menopause?"
Firstly it is important to note that there is no set age for perimenopause. For most women will be around 45, but it can start earlier.
Unfortunately, many doctors often misdiagnosis perimenopause and menopause symptoms and can be why many women suffer for months and sometimes years before getting properly diagnosed.
A few reasons for this delay in getting properly diagnosed can be due to the fact that the symptoms that you are experiencing are often looked at in isolation and not together. For example if you are experience heart palpitation’s you would be sent to go and see the cardiologist who no doubt told you that you were fine.
However, that would not have solved the problem as you still experience heart palpitations, which often leads women to think they are “losing it”…..
Which you are not!!
Often the only symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause are hot flushes and changes to your period. But as you will find out in the blog, these are not the only symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
On-going symptoms
Unfortunately it isn’t well understood by many people and organisations just just how disruptive Perimenopause can be for some women.
Some women have perimenopausal symptoms for 5-6 years before they reach menopause. The severity in which you experience these symptoms will vary greatly from woman to woman.
Just because you aren’t experiencing hot flushes and changes to your periods, doesn't mean you aren't going through menopause
Hot flushes and changes to your periods aren’t the only signs….
Signs & symptoms that are overlooked:
Now is the time when you need to be curious and keep a track of your symptoms so you can become your own detective and assess if you think you maybe perimenopausal.
Symptoms that are often overlooked include:
Lose your libido (sex drive)
Low mood
Lose your confidence at work (constantly double checking everything)
Brain fog/forgetfulness
Joint and chest pains
Urinary and vaginal pains
Increase in UTI’s and bladder issues
Poor sleep
Increase in migraines
Heart palpitations
Drier and/or itchy skin
Unsure what to do next??
The first step as I mentioned above is to keep a track of your symptoms. This will allow you to assess how frequent the symptoms are, is there anything else going in your life such as a really stressful event happening that may be causing how you are feeling, or is it happening more regularly.
This also allows you to identify when you started to experience the symptoms and if they are getting progressively worse, is it impacting your quality of life?
Having a better understanding of this will allow you to have a better prepared conversation with your GP on treatment options.
Lastly, talk to your mum, sister if you are able too. Hearing about their experience can often indicate what your journey might be like.
If you can, chat to friends or your partner about what you are experiencing, and how you are feeling.
Often not being able to share how you are feeling, can make life seem isolating and add more stress and loneliness.
Please make sure you get the support you need.
If you need any additional support or guidance with perimenopause or menopause, please feel free to reach out to me and book in a free 15 minute consultation to find out more about how I can help you.
I am based in Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand as an online Nutritionist.
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