Frequently Asked Questions

I have never used a nutritionist before, does that matter?

That is not a problem at all, you don’t need to have worked with a nutritionist previously to start with me. Many of my clients have never used a nutritionist before and I am more than happy to answer any questions you have about what to expect.

When working with a nutritionist or any coach, you should feel comfortable, supported and leave feeling positive from every interaction.

That is why I offer a free 15minute no obligations consultations to ensure we are a good fit.

I have tried every single diet there is and none of them work. Does this mean I can’t change?

I offer personalised nutrition and everything I do is to support and guide you to meet your needs.

We are all unique and there is no one size fits all.

Most diets you have tried will likely have been really restrictive and unsustainable. This makes it impossible for you to achieve long term success. If you have tried many diets and they haven’t worked, that isn’t a bad thing- it means you know what doesn’t work for you and we can build on that to find a longer term sustainable approach to help you reach your goals.

How are you different?

I don’t offer meal plans, ever.

One my main passions as a coach is to educate. I want to give you the knowledge and understanding to know what to do after we finish coaching.

My coaching isn’t just about your nutrition and what you eat. I look at your overall health, your mindset, your identity, nervous system regulation and hormone health.

If you are willing to put in the effort- you will see incredible results.

What coaching services do you offer?

To find out more about my coaching packages, click on the link to find out more: Work with me

Female Nutritionist, Upper hutt Wellington
Female nutritionist, Hutt valley wellington