Online Certified Female Nutritionist

I specialise in female health:

  • Hormone health - period health, PMS, insulin resistance, PCOS.

  • Perimenopause - symptom relief, stress management, weight gain.

  • Relationship with food & body - restrictive eating, meal skipping, snacking, mindset.

  • Sports performance - half marathons, CrossFit, building muscle.

Who am I?

Kia ora (Hello in Te Reo), my name is Amanda Mercer and I am based in the Hutt valley, Wellington New Zealand. I moved here from N Ireland 12 years ago and I am so grateful to call New Zealand my home.

I am an online female health nutritionist which is great as it means I can work with people from all over the world.

10 years ago I had a very different outlook on my body, my health, food and exercise than I do today. I didn’t understand my hormones, the effects they had on my body, the impact that my diet and lifestyle had on my body and my mental heath.

I have learnt a lot over the years and the relationship I have with myself and my body has completely changed. I am much more confident, have food freedom, I enjoy eating out, I have much more energy and I feel better in myself now than I did on my 20’s!!

A key component of how I coach, is to educate you along the way. I want you to achieve long term, sustainable change and set you up, so you know what to do moving forward without me! 

I am obsessed with helping women become the best version of themselves, helping them to understand how their body works so they can ditch the diet culture mentality and have high-self worth that isn’t based on a number.